"If you could only have one lipstick or gloss for the rest of your life what would it be?"
My Bookie Boo ShanaJanelle did it again...LOL Thanks for the blog tag.. I love these. Ok now on to my choice. If you know me you know I love BOLD lip colors. All shades of pinks is my absolute fave..
This is a TAG:
You are going to be cast away on a desert island, but you must maintain your fabulousness. The trick is, it can only be a lip product. What ONE lip colour could you happily live with for the rest of your days? This isn’t about your favourite or what’s haute at the moment. It should be something that doesn’t require lip liner or mixing with some other colour to make it look good. This should be a colour that you don’t have to think twice about because you know it will never fail to make you look flirty, bold or seductive every time you wear it. What would it be?Here are the rules:
- Choose your Desert Island Lip colour (lipstick, stain, lip pencil, OR gloss). Only one, please
- Tell us why you’ve picked it (what makes it special, timeless, or the bomb)
- Post a photo of yourself wearing the lipstick . The photo should be your full face
- *You may only use these other types of products in your photo:
- Foundation/concealer/powder
- Groomed brows
- Mascara
- Desert Island Lip product
- Tag 3 other beauty bloggers
1. I chose LA Girls: Endless Kisses..
2. I picked this lipstick because you can basically wear this color all year around and it cost me a cool $1.49. Plus you know I can be stuck in a desert looking a "DRY" MESS..LLS
I tag the following:
Bobbies Beat
The Moodie Misses
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