Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pretty In Pink

I created this PINK look for a contest entry for one of my youtube boo' are a couple pics...Enjoy :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

YAY...Im going to be another AUNTIE..Happy Turkey Day

My lil Sis is officially 3 months preggers and she is due June 5, 2012...we dont know the sex yet but Im hoping for a boy :)
U see I said Im super excited...stay stuned

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reality TV Chat: CSI Miami on CBS

OMG...Im a huge fan..I know I may be a day late and a dollar but im addicted and I can watch this show all day. Its something about crime in Miami and the cast...Detective H is the man..Dectective Wolf is fine as hell and Natilia is a bad chick... I love the fact that after every show H sends some sort of positive message..U know what's so funny, im a die hard fan but I dont know the actual day and time it comes on...don't judge me..LMBO..I always catch the shows ondemand...If ur a fan of action and CSI stuff this show will for sure put u in the zone..